


原来,裹粽子不简单哦!而且很考技巧呢! 开始的时候,包得蛮不错D,但不知道为什么后来的那么难看。真奇怪?!+.+










我相信是因为我们缺乏沟通 所以事情才累积成这种地步


Genting Highland (18&19th May 09)

Just came back from Genting, felt so tired because one night didn’t sleep well. Monday noon right after our 1st class in this semester, we decided to go Genting. It was so sudden, that’s why not much people going with us. People who are going were just me, Shannon, Suki, Vivi and Owen. Without preparing anything, I just went there with a jacket. After a quick shower, we rushed to KTM station and take the train to KL Central. When we reached there, straight away go buy tickets. Before that, sure we go ATM to get some money first lah! No money how to go jek?! Our bus departs at 2.30pm, so we decided to have our meal at Mc Donald’s while waiting for the time comes. We takes less than an hour to reach the Genting Skyway, because that time have no traffic jams and the bus driver are so “professional”. We’re shocked to see so many peoples taking cable car to Genting, because that day is just a normal day only. There are so many who came from India (How I know it?! Hehe.. I saw their luggage got address lor.. ) Suddenly we think about the H1N1 virus =.= Ops.. Sorry.. We are not purposely to have country discrimination, we just felt a bit scared it will be spread among them. Anyway, we didn’t wear a mask for the whole trip.

We reached Genting Highland around 4pm, before we decide our program, we took some photos at there^^ actually we planned to watch movie at midnight, after that go for a walk and have some coffee, then go back by the earliest bus. But, they said like that will be very tired and bored. So, lastly we decided to rented a deluxe room at First World Hotel (the cheapest hotel at Genting), and one person need to pay RM28 (please count yourself how much does it cost per night). Just let you all know for fun, our room is on 25th floor, room number is 817. After checking in, we went to “Be a Star” for karaoke. That is the only way to save our money and we can sing and enjoy by the same time. Oh ya! Before that I took some pictures of the setting sun, from our room can view it. After we spent our time at karaoke, we went to a mini market to get some beer. Brought it to an outdoor place to enjoy the weather and have fun (means drink beer lah)!! Me, Suki and Shannon disappointed because just now doesn’t have time for us to sing SAMMI CHENG’s song. So we sang it at there without any music, because all of us did not bring charger and our phone battery are low. Shit lar.. luckily someone bring it for us, if not we sure die de.. Hehe^^ we also play a Taiwan game called “hei bai chei”, play until we changed the name into “zhin bek chek”. That is because me and Vivi always come out with the same one, no loser. If you know the rules of this game then only you will understand our situation. After finished our beer, we went back to the hotel and meet someone.

Oh yes! Our “savior” reached, he is Owen and Vivi’s friend, Ah boy. He was quite friendly, and he is from Melacca ~ “the city of cannon”, I was shocked when I knew his real age. OMG!! He doesn’t look like 26 years old!! Anyway, he enjoy hanging around with us I guess. He brought some beer here again, but I didn’t join them, because I felt so full after I drank a bottle of Heineken just now. They continue playing the “zhin bek chek” and now Owen creates another new name called “si beh bek chek”. We sleep around 4am but I wake up to meet David Liew at 5something. He brought us some fried rice from his workplace, and I go out have a coffee with him at Old Town White Coffee. After that he got to rush back, so we just have a shot time to meet each other.

The weather is so cold on that night, almost freeze us up man!! When I came back to the room and continue to sleep, I heard Vivi ask Shannon to turn on the fan because she is hot. I was like “Huh?! Hot?? ”, but that time I was very tired, so I don’t care and just sleep. David called me around 8.45am, he wake me up from a nice dream!! Anyway, I continue to sleep for an hour before everyone wake up. (Thanks David for the fried rice, although is not hot anymore, but it’s just nice for me.) After checking out the room, 4 of us plan to go for outdoor game. But when we reached the Genting Outdoor Theme Park, the sky is gray. So, we decided to have our lunch at Old Town White Coffee first and see how the weather is. Lastly, we decided to buy the tickets into theme park. I keep on praying to God and ask him to let the weather turns good, he heard my prayer. After a few minutes, the sun came out and shine up the sky=) Thanks God!!

Our first game is Flying Dragon, and then we go for the Sungai Rejang Flume Ride. It wet us up on that time, but we still continue to play with a wet body. We went to play Pirate Ship and we scream like hell, just for the fun of it not the fear. That is the only game we play twice, but not for Vivi. She is the only one who screamed for the fear, caused she can’t stand for it. After that, Shannon and I line up for Space Shot, I love this game^^ but Vivi and Suki don’t dare to play, so they went to play the Matahari. Actually we wanted to go Dinosaurland, but we don’t have so much time, so we go for the next game-Cyclone. This game I don’t dare to play caused last time I play until scared already, so I went to play Family Ride such as Astro Fighter, Flying Jumbo and Tea Cup. I saw a pair of couple taking their wedding photos at there, so sweet nerh^^ and the bride is so cute. After they finish playing Cyclone, we went for the 2nd last game-Super Toboggan. The last game for the day is Spinner, many people likes to play it but not for me. I just accompany them to play it once already felt giddy, but luckily they didn’t ask me to play 2nd time. Around 4something we took a cable car back to the Skyway station and take a bus at 5.30pm back to KL Central. Before I went into the Theme Park already felt sleepy, almost all the way walk with half eyes closed. When I go into the bus, totally fall asleep from Genting to KL. Then from KL central we took a bus to LCCT and Hsiang Jian fetch us back to Nilai.

Thanks God for given me a nice trip with my friends, I really do enjoy it^^ In a conclusion, we spent a lot of money at there and we have no enough money to survive for this month, but we feel worth it to spent money for happiness. Just to inform everyone, the pictures I will upload in facebook, but let me collect from all of them first okay? That’s all for the trip to Genting=)




Air Asia Flight delay 的赔偿~一瓶Mineral water和一个Marrybrown的汉堡包




第一天早上,他们到海底世界参观。我, Joyce, Suki 和 Shannon没有跟着去,所以我们就去吃Buffet breakfast. 吃得好饱哦!饱到下午都不必吃午餐了,省了一餐的钱。


Yummy~Yummy~ I Love Chocolates o(^.^)v




晚上,我们一起到那里的夜市去买食物吃,之后当然是回酒店饮酒咯!一开始,我们几个女生坐在阳台偷听隔壁的男生说心事,还蛮有趣的嘛!我当晚只喝了一罐Carlsberg而以,很乖hor?? 其实有我有很多心事,不过不想醉酒啦。。。过不久,我们所有的“团友”都混在一起喝酒聊天,他们一直在灌别人喝烈酒,幸亏没拖我下水哦!最后,有几个人真的喝醉了,有些醉到乱说话,有些醉到吐。最心疼就是看到Ivan吐到那么辛苦,之后又到Shannon吐。因为她参酒喝的关系,所以伤到胃,就一直肚子痛。我们大家都忙着照顾酒醉后的人,酒店都好像变成了医院呢!

第二天中午,大家准备出海玩咯!那里的海根本比不上热浪岛啊!到现在我还是很怀念热浪岛之旅,永远难忘!我们第一站,在其中一个岛上玩水和拾珊瑚。第二站,是一个湖,我也不懂要到那里去做什么呀?听他们说那个叫“孕妇岛”,喝了那里的水就会很容易怀孕。这是个传说,信不信由你。最后一个站是去看喂老鹰,其实也没什么好看的。整个出海的过程,我只享受坐在船上吹海风而已。回到酒店,我们通通跑下泳池玩水,在那里玩真的爽过出海哦!晚上,我们又去购物和吃晚餐,不过在半路上,Victor驾驶快了一点,吓到我哭了。。。我也不知道为什么我会那么怕,已经忍了好久,最后真的忍不住哭了=( 我整身都在发抖,脸色都变了,为什么我有这种恐惧症啊?还到他们都不开心了,尤其是Ivan,我看了他的blog 才知道我弄得他那么气。真的很对不起,我不是故意的,原谅我好吗?当天所有人的心情都不太好,我喝了一瓶Kampai就去睡觉了,好累。。。

第三天早上,我们收拾好行李之后,准备回家。好开心哦!终于要离开这里了,不懂为什么,一点不舍得的感觉也没有。真的好想快快到机场,飞回家和佩儿一起喝酒聊天。但真的很不幸运,因为我们迟了一些,所以机场的服务员不让我们Check In。哈!什么?要两个小时之前Check In吗?怎么不早点说?之前我们不是打去问过了吗?他说我们可以在一点之前到达的呀!怎么现在又不给我们上机了?还要我们给2000块!白痴!我才不会给呢!我宁愿搭船和巴士回家,都不要让这些钱进他们的口袋。我们最后的决定,所有的人一起赶去搭船,另外再买巴士车票回去吉隆坡。我们到达玻璃市的巴士车站,要在那里等两个多小时才能上巴士呀!好闷!真的好闷!上了巴士也闷!因为晚上黑漆漆的,想要看书也不能。不过当晚的月亮真的好美哦!又圆又亮,高高的挂在迷人的夜空,往窗外望,我深深地被吸引住了。望着月亮,心里却思念着某个人,听着手机播放的歌曲,陶醉在其中。到半路时,那种闷闷的心情又来了。好想找人聊天哦!不过那么夜了,他们应该睡了吧!我打了通电话给David,他陪我聊了一会儿,就忙着工作了。挂了电话之后,我就慢慢地睡着了,睡到差不多到达目的地才醒。其实那椅子不好坐,一直在抖,好像在坐按摩椅那样。老实说,我很喜欢坐长途车或巴士,但就是不懂为什么这次让我这么讨厌。或许因为这个过程不太好的关系吧!




The Sniper 神枪手


過度自信就會變成自負 害你一輩子
Yesterday me,David,CK,Carlyn and CK's friend went to Sunway Pyramid and watch this movie...NICE!! Love it^^ wanna watch it again..can?? Haha..it was just like playing Counter Strike wei... Sniper so COOL!! me also want to be a top shooter (in my dream)... hehe^^ Headshot!!Headshot!! shot to death!! (sound effect) Chik chuk...Piang----> Oh yeah!! Wakaka... Why am I so violence de?? just in game lah OK? Anyway... CS is just for fun... pls dun try that in real life...no good no good...


Lucky Day

Today, I woke up at 12 something. Hey! Why I wake up so late? Actually, I had a nice dream last night, so I don’t feel like waking up so early and stop my dream. The dream very funny de^^ is about someone and me.. Haha..

When I was awake, I received a message from Tracy. She asked me what time I will reach her house, Oh no!! I’m late.. Actually I should reach there by 11 something, and now is around 12 pm. So, after I reply her message, I straight away go and take a quick shower.

After I prepare everything, I went out from my house at 1 o’clock. When I was on the way, I keep on praying to God, wish that I could reach safely and no traffic jam. Finally, I reached her house at around 2 pm.

I parked my car at her house and both of us took a bus to Mid Valley. Actually, the purpose I went there is because I want to buy someone’s birthday present. Tracy is so good, she just accompany me buy things and giving me some opinion. I’m so happy today, because I bought what I want.

I need to go back home before 6 pm, cause tonight need to have dinner with my neighbors. So, we shop very fast, just like playing treasure hunt=) After I finished buying my things, we went to Kim Gary and have some snacks before we go back.

When we wanted to rush into the bus, something happened on me. A guy keeps on bang me, and I feel like he is trying to get something in my handbag. I quickly check my handbag, and I found that my hand phone was lost. The guy went up the bus and asks the driver something, after that he is trying to go down from the bus. I quickly block him and I asked him to return my hand phone to me, but he act don’t know. That time he is holding a jacket and I guess he hides it inside, so I try to pull away the jacket on his hand. Suddenly, my hand phone drops on the floor, and I just pick it up and say 'thank you' to him.

Phew.. Luckily I found back my hand phone, if not I sure feel sad. The hand phone itself is not so important; the most important thing is the messages inside. I still keeping a lot of meaningful messages in my hand phone wei!! Anyway.. Thanks God for giving me this experience, lost and found^^



SHE -- 五月天

黄金海岸的岸边 我们肩并着肩
洁净的蓝天 清澈的水面 吻成一条海平线
看你温柔的双眼 弹着吉他的弦
歌词是诺言 旋律是依恋 唱出一首五月天

五月的天 刚诞生的夏天
我们之间 才完成的爱恋
紧握的手里面 有好多明天
五月的天 梦开始要鲜艳
前方蜿蜒 一长串的心愿
我们一天一天 慢慢实现

大雨冲走了昨天 青春乌云几片
彩虹的旁边 有星星几点 迫不及待在眨眼
海风味道变香甜 沙滩镶满亮片
你哼着永远 我和着不变 合唱一首五月天

五月的天 刚诞生的夏天
我们之间 才完成的爱恋
紧握的手里面 有好多明天
五月的天 梦开始要鲜艳
前方蜿蜒 一长串的心愿
我们一天一天 慢慢实现

海浪拼命欢呼跳跃 一遍又一遍

五月的天 刚诞生的夏天
我们之间 才完成的爱恋
紧握的手里面 有好多明天
五月的天 梦开始要鲜艳
前方蜿蜒 一长串的心愿
我们一天一天 慢慢实现

o(^.*)o : 送给大家一首SHE的歌-五月天
Muacks~muacks~ Sweet nerh... >(`c`)<