Posted by ~JoanNe~ at 07:00 0 comments
Labels: Feelings in heart
Mission completed
Finally, exam finished! Happy?? Actually not really lor.. haih.. still a bit worry about the result.. Hopefully can pass lah.. yea.. I just need a pass.. OMG!! What happen on my face? So many pimples =( too stress?? too worry?? I guess I need to do facial liao..
Yeah!! Next Wednesday will go Pulau Langkawi with a gang of people.. hope that can enjoy with friends and relax.. Hehe^^ chocolates and alcoholic drinks.. here I come =D
Just now my parents fetch me back from Nilai.. then straight away we go have dinner.. After that, we went to find my brother in his studio.. cause tomorrow he will go Singapore, so need to go there and get back the Kancil (my car).. Haha.. I have been a long time didn’t go to that studio ady.. really changed a lot oh.. became so beautiful liao^^ I miss my piano so much.. although I don’t know how to play.. but just simply play also very fun ler =D I wish one day I could go there to record a song.. I want to sing.. and I only can sing..
This semester break I have a lot of things to do actually. The next morning, I need to go renew my license. Then this Friday will go KL with my parents, bring them to visit Pavilion and maybe we go up to KL tower. If can, this Sat I want to go for some sports, maybe will play golf or badminton. Sunday, have a performance in my mom’s church, mummy asked me to sing with her wor.. these few days need to practice with her too..
Oh no.. already 1 am.. I got to go and sleep lu~ if tomorrow cannot wake up sure will get scold de.. Good night everyone.. and wish all my friends who are still having exam GOOD LUCK.. Gambateh nerh!!
Posted by ~JoanNe~ at 00:59 0 comments
Labels: Daily life, Exam
Posted by ~JoanNe~ at 08:35 2 comments
Labels: Feelings in heart, love matters
I'm lost
She started to think of a lot, about her life, about her relationship and so on. Suddenly, she falls asleep. She met a man in her dream, the man was wearing a white robe and he has a pair of wings on his back. Oh! Is he an angel?? She is wondering... In that moment, the man walks to her and give her a hug with his wings.
Princess started to cry again, she feel so warm and peaceful under his wings. When she wanted to ask him something, the man disappeared and just leaves a map and a bible for her. “Here's a map and here's the bible, if you ever lose your way,” he said to her before he leaves.
Princess awake from the dream, and she found that she already came out from the jungle. She saw a white horse and a Prince charming beside her. She falls in love in that moment, the Prince are in love with her too^^
~The End~
Or To Be Continue???
For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost. (Luke 19:10)
I'm lost, but you found me^^
Posted by ~JoanNe~ at 21:26 3 comments
Labels: Feelings in heart, story
不跟你多说 也许我会比较好过
怕超越了友情 又不到爱情的境遇
曾对自己承诺 怕受伤害就不要沉迷得太多
所以在我还未爱得很深时 我选择跳出这爱情的圈套
也是我唯一的方法 不让自己为了你而流泪难过
请原谅我的自私 若我不忍心这么做
每次和你聊天 都会怕自己说错
不要和你联络 又不知道你好不好过
常常和你联络 我的心却一直被折磨
如今我选择珍惜所拥有的 就算是短暂
Posted by ~JoanNe~ at 22:42 0 comments
Labels: love matters
Tayar Pancit
Today I went to church early in the morning, actually my P driver's license already expired for a week, but I still got to drive, cause I need to go back early. If I follow people's car, I need to wait for them and it is troublesome. After service, I went to eat chicken rice at Taman Sri Sentosa with my cousin. I have no more money in my purse, so I asked my cousin help me to pay for it first, but she said she treat me wor. Haha^^ so good.. Thanks yea Tracy..
After we enjoy our lunch at there, I need to fetch her back, her house just nearby only. Unfortunately, when I go and get my car, one of my tayar pancit =( I didn't notice that until someone passed by and she told me. I was like.. HUH? What happen?! Oh no.. why suddenly tayar pancit already? Hey.. I still need to rush back to Puchong before 1.30pm ler.. that time already 12something. So I faster call my mom let her know that my tayar pancit already, and I call Victor to tell him that maybe I will reach home a bit late, cause now got to service my tyre.
Luckily, my cousin's brother is at home, she called him to come over and help me to change the tyre. When he reached here, he tried to change it for me, but is so tiring and he can't get to unlock the tyre. It is so funny.. the tyre service center is just behind my parking place, why don't we ask them to help? Hehe^^ after that only we decided to drive my car there and let them service. They just help me to repair the tyre, not change the tyre. Just in a few minutes, everything done^^ and the service charge is just RM5. Hah? So cheap de meh? I thought very expensive de wor.. cause I have no experience in servicing tyre and this was the first time I met this case. Anyway.. thanks brother James^^
Hehe.. Today I'm so lucky^^ why ler? First, because my cousin treats me eat lunch when I have no money. Second, my tayar pancit just in front of the tyre service center. Third, today never meet any roadblock. And last, I reached home safely although on the way home I met a heavy rain. Thanks God =)
Posted by ~JoanNe~ at 17:11 1 comments
Labels: Daily life
Prepare to be a "lawyer"
Ahhhhhhh....... Die!! Die!! Die!! Tomorrow sure die.. I guess I will lose the battle =( Now preparing a white flag.. not a bomb!! So sorry to myself.. I really have no confident to win this battle=( From the first class until now final exam, I learn nothing in this subject!! My lecturer just came in our class few times only, that time also does not know what she is teaching, the whole class blur@@ When I do her assignment, already took half of my life off. Now final exam, can I still alive?? Owch!! Hospitality Law is killing me!! Princess is going to die soon :'( where is my Prince?? Please come and rescue me..
Anyway.. I still got to prepare.. dun wan give up so easily.. maybe God will create a miracle for me leh.. who knows!? +U ba Princess.. Cheer up and Go! Go! Go! U can do it de^^ Hehe.. just act like a lawyer can already ma.. joking joking XD wakaka.. Study hard and pray hard ya..
(Psalm 119: 115-160)
145 With my whole heart I cry; answer me, O Lord. I will keep your statutes.
146 I cry to you; save me,that I may observe your decrees.
147 I rise before dawn and cry for help;I put my hope in your words.
148 My eyes are awake before each watch of the night,that I may meditate on your promise.
149 In your steadfast love hear my voice;O Lord, in your justice preserve my life.
150 Those who persecute me with evil purpose draw near;they are far from your law.
151 Yet you are near,O Lord,and all your commandments are true.
152 Long ago I learned from your decrees that you have established them for ever.
153 Look on my misery and rescue me,for I do not forget your law.
154 Plead my cause and redeem me;give me life according to your promise.
155 Salvation is far from the wicked,for they do not seek your statutes.
156 Great is your mercy,O Lord;give me life according to your justice.
157 Many are my persecutors and my adversaries,yet I do not swerve from your decrees.
158 I look at the faithless with disgust,because they do not keep your commands.
159 Consider how I love your precepts;preserve my life according to your steadfast love.
160 The sum of your word is truth;and every one of your righteous ordinances endures for ever.
OK.. let's bow our head and pray.. Dear father Lord.. thank you for your mercy and grace.. we know that you are the king of king, and you are the lord of lord.. You know everything in this universe.. included law as well.. cause it is your creation.. So now.. please give us wisdom.. we really need your help for our paper on tomorrow.. just hope that everyone can pass this subject.. Dear Lord.. please help us ya.. In Jesus precious name I pray.. Amen=)
Posted by ~JoanNe~ at 16:57 0 comments
Earth Day 2009 世界地球日
Posted by ~JoanNe~ at 19:12 0 comments
Labels: Announcement
New strategy
Yes!! I found a new strategy for me to memorize.. First, I read through the notes and try to understand it. Then, open Microsoft Word and type it in^^ Yea.. I try this on yesterday, in conclusion, it works. However, face my laptop is better than a paper, really thanks Microsoft Word and Kingsoft!! Alright.. anyway.. I just finished another battle.. today I bring sword only.. I guess I won again =) Now, got to prepare for another battle on this Friday 2pm.. The most difficult battle.. Hospitality Law=( Hopefully I won't die and surrender.. I guess that time I should bring bomb.. wakaka XD.. 3 more to go.. Good luck wei..
Posted by ~JoanNe~ at 18:42 0 comments
Labels: Exam
Delete HRM and save training in hospitality industry
Yeah!! Princess is back from the battle..Today's mission completed..Next mission, fight with Training in Hospitality Industry..Hmm..before I start to prepare my next strategy, let's take a rest 1st ..Oh well..let me think yea..today I used machine gun..cause MCQ question can tembak..what should I use for the next ler?? All short answer questions wor..bring pistol??sword??or..maybe BOMB??Haha..got to think properly 1st..anyway..wish me good luck again for the next battle^^aza aza fighting...
Posted by ~JoanNe~ at 15:58 1 comments
Labels: Exam
Exam! exam! exam!
I hate exam!! Why we need to have exam?? Sien@@ all subjects that I taken in this semester also very boring de...what lah..human resource management, food and beverage cost control, training in hospitality industry, workplace communication, and the most I hate is hospitality law. I do not have potential to study about LAW lah..so many act, case study and whatever...no interest with that...but anyway...I got to know, cause next time I can use it to sue someone if I have the right to sue them. Haha XD
Today is the last day for revision, hope that I can finish memorize all those important notes by tonight. I mean for the 1st subject (HRM) only, hehe^^ the other I will study later. Hmmm...wish me good luck on tomorrow...all the best to everyone o(^.^)* +U +U
Posted by ~JoanNe~ at 11:05 2 comments
Labels: Exam
Fight for final!!
Ahhh..revision week..i still don't have the mood to do my revision ler=( Yesterday I try to do the past year paper..haix..many answers can't find in the book..then I try to search in google..some I did found..but some too complicated..don't know what should I write@.@ huh..fed up already?! Cannot lah!! I should put more effort, so that only can get good result ma.. Alright..got to do my revision again..hopefully today I can finish prepare for 1 subject la..Gambateh yo..Princess^^
Posted by ~JoanNe~ at 11:12 2 comments
Labels: Exam
Stress and burden
这次糟了,因为“upgrade”了批改系统,我们的压力更加大。为什么这学期的科目都没有MCQ啊?每一科都得做short answer或写essay,真的好难score分咧!哎。。真的希望我能全部及格就好,不要求自己太高了。若要我拿A 的话,简直是不可能的事,除非我是神童?!
Posted by ~JoanNe~ at 09:51 2 comments
Labels: Bible, christianity, Exam, Feelings in heart, festival/celebration, Prayer
New system:
A 90-100(4.0)
A- 80-89 (3.7)
B+ 70-79 (3.4)
B 65-69 (3.1)
B- 60-64 (2.7)
C+ 55-59 (2.4)
C 51-54 (2.1)
C- 50 (2.0)
D+ 45-49 (1.7)
D 40-44 (1.4)
D- 35-39 (1.0)
A+ 76-100(4.0)
A 71-75 (3.7)
B+ 66-70 (3.5)
B 61-65 (3.0)
C+ 56-60 (2.7)
C 50-55 (2.5)
D+ 46-49 (2.0)
D 41-45 (1.7)
D- 35-40 (1.5)
F 0-34 (1.0)
Posted by ~JoanNe~ at 09:35 0 comments
Labels: NUC
鄭秀文見證分享 「不可思議之生命價值再思」
By: Sammi Cheng (ah Mi)
我們都習慣迎合這個世界的價值觀,大部份人都欠缺活出自己的勇氣。 包括我,我叫鄭秀文,一位歌手及演員,今年三十五歲。我略有小成就,但我從來沒有活出真正的自己。我習慣活在一堆價值觀中。以為成就越大,自我存在的價值就越高。當我擁有很多人人渴求的東西,我卻發現我內心一無所有,心是空空的。我嘗試用更大的成就來補充,但招徠的空蕩感更大,更恐怖。 於是,我決定暫停這場永無止境的追求,我放下一手建立十多年的事業,我毅然放下成功,我要看看我的生命還剩下什麼? 上帝用了接近一千天的時間,讓我徹底反省過去的生命。我看清了成功和金錢的真相,這些或許可以建築我的生活,但卻一點不能滿足我的生命。 生命應該有更高尚的價值,在上帝的話裡,我找到了明確的方向和定位。
「人子來,本是要服待人,不是要人來服待的。」 在我未來的人生的道路上,我已有更重要的使命。我並不知道上帝會如何安排我生命的劇本,但我知道祂會帶領我一步一腳印。 這種內心的平安,是再多的金錢也買不到的。回顧過去一千多天,上帝確實狼狼地修理了我,祂給予我這場放逐,無非要我找回自己的心。心跟上帝早已緊扣,我再也不害怕,再也不膽怯,我要活出真正的自己。 活出生命更高的價值,不要扭曲自己奉迎這個世界。這是我對上帝的承諾。

Posted by ~JoanNe~ at 23:27 0 comments
Labels: christianity, Sammi Cheng
Sports Day@Nilai
Today’s class postponed, because the lecturer involve in training. What we plan to do for the whole day?? Hmm..1st plan, play golf at Nilai Spring.
Golf balls..100X..8ringgit each bucket..
WaaaOOoooo..so Far…
Where is my ball??huh??
After golf..we go back and continue with another sport..haha..badminton!!!But only me and Isabel playing..Guys alrd tired:(
After badminton i go for a jog..that time only me still have the energy to jog..Haha..
from 3pm-7pm..for sports!!so tired..but quite fun and enjoy doing it^^
That's all for today..
Posted by ~JoanNe~ at 22:02 0 comments
Labels: NUC